Monday, August 8, 2016

Dubai jobs - Tips and Tricks

There are hundreds of aspirants visiting Dubai every day looking for the job. Many of these job seekers are highly educated and well experienced in their respective domain. They are not adequately guided by the experienced hands to achieve their targets. The tips and tricks required to follow in the process of job seeking are not that cumbersome.

Many of these aspirants do not know where to approach for the vacancies at first. It is because of the mercurial advertising industry often changing from one form to another in a very short span of time.

In the last decade, 'Gulf News classified' was a primary source of the listing of job vacancies all over UAE. In the advent of increased presence of exclusive job portals, Gulf News has lost its primacy in this field. These portals took over the entire industry and left nothing to the print media in this regards.

Below are the some of the tips and tricks the jobs seekers required to follow in achieving their goal.

1. Prepare your resume to cater the needs of the employer rather than the mere declaration of your skills.

2. Do minor changes in your skill sets which equate the requirement of the advertiser and make it visible to the first look

3. Get selected for an interview must be your primary goal. Do not declare any false information in order get enrolled to interview stage.

4. Jobs Classifieds, Job Portals, Top employer's website career pages are the source of job listings.

5. Advertise in major job classifieds that you are looking for the job providing your skillset, experience, and the full resume.

6. Keep sending your resume to different companies even though their requirements are partially matching your skillset.

Happy job searching
Dubai Jobs Classifieds and Yellow Pages


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Dubai Classifieds